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We hereby notify you that we have elected to terminate the Whistle Phone® services and any associated software effective on 12/01/2024. Beginning on the 12/01/2024, your account will be deactivated, and you will not have access to any Whistle Phone® services or associated software. This discontinuance affects all geographic areas currently served by Whistle Phone®. Whistle Phone® services include HD calling, texting, and voicemail services over WiFi and 3G LTE. This discontinuance affects all geographic areas currently served by Whistle Phone®.

The FCC will normally authorize this proposed discontinuance of service (or reduction or impairment) unless it is shown that customers would be unable to receive service or a reasonable substitute from another carrier or that the public convenience and necessity is otherwise adversely affected. If you wish to object, you should file your comments as soon as possible but no later than 15 days after the FCC releases public notice of the proposed discontinuance. You may file your comments electronically through the FCC's Electronic Comment Filing System using the docket number established in the Commission's public notice for this proceeding, or you may address them to the Federal Communications Commission, Wireline Competition Bureau, Competition Policy Division, Washington, DC 20554, and include in your comments a reference to the § 63.71 Application of Whistle Phone®. Comments should include specific information about the impact of this proposed discontinuance (or reduction or impairment) upon you or your company, including any inability to acquire a reasonable substitute service.

In the event you have any questions, we refer you to Whistle Support and our Terms.